Randolph Ranger

  • Other 已存档
    21 South Allen Avenue - Randolph
    Graffiti on Cary Street side of this building
  • 314 S Allen Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    RRHA needs to clean up branches and brush from these properties; looks like the job was left half done for 3 weeks now.
  • Potholes 已存档
    1833 Grayland Ave Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    Pothole in the middle of street here, on Grayland Ave.
  • 300 S. Allen Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    Please remove graffiti on all signs at the intersection of Grayland Ave and S. Allen Ave.
  • 1820 Idlewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    There are a number of bulk items in the alley that serves the addresses on Idlewood Ave. (The alley is just behind Idlewood and south of Grayland Ave.) There are no addresses on the backside of houses but #1820 is probably the address. There are two mattresses, a sofa, a book case and, just down at 1808 there is another sofa.
  • 1804 Idlewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    The streetlights at the SW entrance to Petronius S Jones Park (at the corner of S Allen and Idlewood) are on during the day. Please reset them to turn off during the day. Also, the bulb on the left-side light as you enter the park (the one closest to S. Allen) looks to be very dim, both during the day and at night.
  • Overgrown Lots 已存档
    314 S Allen Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    The RRHA properties in Randolph are overgrown (along S. Allen and Idlewood). This is a persistent problem and makes the neighborhood look bad and neglected. Please cut the grass immediately--it hasn't been cut this year :-(
  • 2918 Idlewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    This intersection (Idlewood and S. Sheppard) is in really bad shape. I thought it was being purposefully roughed up so it could be repaved ... but after a few weeks, I assume that's not the case. It's a busy intersection and the bad state of the road there really slows down traffic.
  • 2137 Grayland Ave Richmond, Virginia - Byrd Park

    This pedestrian bridge keeps getting graffiti'd. This is on Grayland right past the intersection with S. Addison. It's not private property, so don't send a waiver; it's city property. Also, this address is an estimate from Google Maps. Use the intersection as a guide; also, it's the only pedestrian bridge in the area.


  • 200 S. Allen Ave Richmond, Virginia - The Fan
    I keep reporting this stretch of road. it's really in terrible shape; potholes and ruts throughout. It was NEVER adequately fixed after it was torn up when condos were built at Allen and Cary. Please resurface the whole road. Patching it is not working. This has been true for years now.
  • 318 S. Allen Ave Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    The potholes at this intersection of Idlewood and Grayland are not being patched well. They seem to come back every week.
  • 1804 Idlewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Randolph
    Big steel pipe near curb on Idlewood. Maybe 6 feet long. It's very heavy.
  • 310 S. Boulevard Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Deep pothole on the westbound IDLEWOOD AVE side of this address.
  • 200 W Broad St Ricmond, VA - Jackson Ward
    Big, deep pothole in front of Comfort restaurant at this address.
  • 300 S Allen Richmond, VA - Randolph
    potholes at Grayland & S. Allen
  • 3201 Idlewood Ave Richmond, VA - Stadium

    On the Idlewood overpass between McCloy and S. Sheppard, there is white graffiti on the concrete sides. There are 2 instances; each is maybe 6-8 feet long.

    ***This is NOT private property. This is graffiti on city property. The address used here to report it is the closest marked address. DO NOT SEND A RELEASE FORM TO THAT ADDRESS.***

  • 1300 W Cary Richmond, VA - The Fan
    Brick sidewalk at this corner needs to be fixed. I guess I'm noting it so it will get done in 2017, with the way sidewalk fixes are going ...
  • 2600 Idlewood Ave Richmond, VA - The Fan
    Lots of graffiti tags on the electrical boxes at this intersection, especially on the NE corner of the Expressway exit ramp that joins this intersection.
  • 1731 Idlewood Ave Richmond, VA - Randolph
    This is the second time I'm reporting this. The first time, the issue was reported as the bulbs being changed which didn't fix the issue and then the issue seems to have disappeared from SCF. The lights at the Corner of S. Allen and Idlewood Ave at the entrance to the park have been out for weeks now. This is across the street from the listed address. Do not close this issue until you have verified the lights really do come on at night.
  • 2158 Grayland Avenue Richmond, VA - Byrd Park

    There's graffiti again on the pedestrian bridge from Grayland Ave over 195 (west side of bridge).

    The address listed is the one from Google Maps, although it may not be accurate int he city's GIS system. Should you be tempted to close the issue for lack of exact address, here are some accurate alternatives:

    First, it's the only pedestrain bridge over 195 on Grayland (between Shields and Addison).
    At the corner of S. Addison St and Grayland Ave.
    Latitude and Longitude of (37.547539 , -77.470901)
    Property Description 1: 0126.79X0292.04 IRG0000.652 AC
    State Plane Coords( ?): X= 11781375.500016 Y= 3724468.946952