
  • I-75 N Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
    Parking lot lights at the newly renovated Big Peach Car Wash (1820 Hardeman Avenue 31201) are blinding to cars coming up the exit ramp from I-75 S. The lights need to either be lowered or re-directed so that they do not shine into car windshields on the ramp.
  • Linden Ave Macon, Georgia, 31201 - Macon
    This issue was promptly taken care of less than a month ago (thank you!), but it is happening again. The old fashioned looking street lights along Linden Avenue, between Lawton and Oglethorpe, are staying on 24 hours a day. They used to go off at daylight and come on at dusk.
  • 1045 Linden Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    lights used to go off at Dawn, but now they are staying on all day. entire block of Linden Avenue between Oglethorpe and Lawton
  • 1580 Oglethorpe St Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Marked as picked up, but it was not. pile has been out here so long that grass is growing through it. please please remove.
  • 1605 Rembert Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    debris pile is in the back of our house along Oglethorpe. it has been there for over 2 months. we were told not to bag yard trash. please pick up. thank you!
  • 1605 Rembert Ave Macon, Georgia, 31201 - Macon
    Recycling truck picked up on Rembert Avenue about an hour ago but did not pick up our recycling cart on Linden (our street address is 1605 Rembert Avenue)
  • 1605 Rembert Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    we have no recycling bin from Ryland.
  • 1605 Rembert Ave Macon, GA, 31201, USA - Macon
    We do not have a Ryland Recycing bin at 1605 Rembert Avenue. Thank you!
  • 1122 Linden Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Historical light fixture flickers on and off at night. I believe the bulb is burning out. T
    hank you for replacing!
  • 1085 High St Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Sign is down, and it includes a stop sign
  • Linden Ave Macon, GA, 31201, USA - Macon
    Walking down Linden between Rembert Avenue and Lawton Avenue, there are at least two decorative streetlights that are not working. This makes the sidewalk very dark and hard to see if one might be stepping on a limb or rock. Please check streetlights for working bulbs. Thank you!
  • 1580 Lawton Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Do not enter signs are being ignored more and more frequently, resulting in more cars driving the wrong way on the One Way portion of Linden. Painting an arrow on the street might remind drivers that they are driving the wrong way and would be an inexpensive solution to a potentially harmful head on collision.
  • 1191 Adams St Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Cars almost never stop when I am crossing every day to take my 5 year old to school. I think the crosswalk would be more obvious if Adams were painted with a crosswalk symbol on each side of the street, before the crosswalk. The signage and current paint job are hard to see. Thank you!
  • Linden Ave Macon, GA, 31201, USA - Macon
    Antique-looking street light near Tatnall Square Park but on Linden Street has a burned out bulb. There are also burned out bulbs in two of the antique-looking street lights on Lawton Avenue, north of the intersection with Linden. Thank you!
  • 1605 Rembert Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Storm drain near end of Rembert Avenue is completely uncovered. Heavy concrete slab is beside it. This seems like an accident waiting to happen. I hope we can get a secure metal cover. Location is to your left as you drive be towards the dead end. Thank you!
  • 1657 Rembert Ave Macon, GA 31201, USA - Macon
    Street light is burned out. Thank you for replacing.
  • Paint near curb Arquivado
    1605 Rembert Avenue Macon, Georgia - Macon
    today a garbage truck could not make the left hand turn because a car was parked right next to the intersection. The yellow line close to the end of the street is difficult to see. I would appreciate your coming to paint a clear yellow Mark at the corner of Linden Avenue and Rembert Avenue thank you