
  • blown lightbulb 已存档
    1153 Overington Street 19124 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Frankford, Philadelphia
    Lightbulb in back walkway is blown and the cover is missing.. these lights belong to the city.. I've sent in previous emails.
  • abandoned auto 已存档
    1137 Overington Street 19124 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Frankford, Philadelphia
    grey four door auto with flats tires and expired stickers has been sitting for ober 30 dats.
  • tree leaning 已存档
    1155 Overington Street 19124 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Frankford, Philadelphia
    tree across the street and been slowly leaning over the years and branches fall when it rains and they are also touching the wires from the poles. have reported many times to no avail. have also sent photos and nothing has been done.