
  • Post to Neighbors Открыта
    1825-1899 Tilton Drive Silver Spring, Maryland - Forest Glen
    Cars are speeding through the intersection of Tilton and Woodland Drive in the Forest Estates area. I've seen too many nearly disastrous incidents occur at this intersection, due to speeding cars. Children and families with strollers or dogs constantly cross this road to go to Getty Park. Also, a lot of foot traffic from people going to/from the metro and crossing this road. Something needs to be done to slow the traffic before someone gets hurt!
  • No Street lights Открыта
    9906 9910 Woodland Dr Silver Spring, MD 20902, USA - Forest Glen
    We have no street light in this area and the one light that is at Woodland and Tilton, is blocked by the tree limbs. We've had several car breakins and thefts at this area of our street, as well as house burglaries. We NEED better and brighter street lights!
  • Corner Of Tilton And Woodland Drive Silver Spring, Md - Forest Glen
    A very dangerous intersection with people speeding up and down Tilton Drive. School bus stop at this intersection and too many times children almost hit by speeding cars that ignore bus's flashing lights. There is also Getty Park- a public park- only three houses down Woodland Drive. Families coming to or from park always try to cross this intersection with children, dogs, and strollers. Need stricter enforcement at this intersection or speed bumps to slow down the speedsters.