Michael Steger

  • 1855 5th Ave Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    Please paint this curb red. That's what's needed. Cars parked there block people on 19th from seeing the traffic on 5th when they need to turn left. Parking is tough in this neighborhood, but if you paint it red, since its not really a parking spot, but people figure if its not red, I can park there. Please paint red so you stop getting this area flagged. Thanks.
  • 251 5th Ave Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Peralta-Laney
    This light is not working well. There is always a long line of cars heading west towards the Bay, and each light does not clear this line. There are also train crossings which back this up even further. Its even backed up late morning, after rush hour, and on weekends. This is the main thoroughfare route to the freeway. The traffic from Jack London Square is a small percentage of the traffic coming down 5th Ave. Please time this light based on the traffic flows, and taking into account the train crossing factor. Thanks!!!!
  • 2011 7th Ave Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    This area has been like this for weeks, and the apartment building caretakers do nothing. Its foul, with old furniture blocking the sidewalk, trash falling out of dumpsters, and dumpsters all over the place. Please cite this building and the owner, their tenants deserve better.
  • 600-698 E 20th St Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    Totally wrecked and on jacks.
  • 1926 6th Ave Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    6th Ave between 19th and 20th has been totally neglected. You just paved 19th between 5th and 6th Ave, but didn't finish the elbow and go up 6th. 20th St is also paved. Please pave!!! Its like a country road. Major car damage. Also 7th Ave between 20th and 21st. The streets next to them get paved but these don't.
  • 608 E 20th St Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    Mattress, box spring, old stove, furniture, etc.
  • 531 E 20th St Oakland, CA, 94606, USA - Ivy Hill
    Old sofa chair already there for a week, red in color, and tagged.
  • 1926 6th Ave Oakland, CA - Ivy Hill
    On the sidewalk, been there for about 2 weeks.
  • 1926 6th Ave Oakland, CA - Ivy Hill
    On the sidewalk, been there for about 2 weeks.
  • 1962 6th Ave Oakland, California - Cleveland Heights
    This wrecked car has been there for weeks. A black nissan with a tarp over the hood.
  • 1962 6th Ave Oakland, California - Ivy Hill
    This short street as well as the 20th block of 7th ave are in horrible disrepair and need to be paved.
  • 8407 Edgewater Dr. Oakland, California - Oakland Airport
    There is a growing homeless camp behind 8407 Edgewater Dr, Oakland 94621, on the alley way behind 433 Hegenberger. There is a small access drive which is a large asphalt area where homeless are now living. This is directly behind our office.